Register for The Music of Greece: From Homer to Xenakis

The Boston Lykeion Ellinidon’s Traditional Music Department offers opportunities to learn about and enjoy Hellenic musical culture, from instruction and workshops to concerts and performances. The department is chaired by Sandy Theodorou, a vocalist, accordionist, and laouto player who specializes in traditional Greek regional music and Greek urban rebetika. In 2018, the department will launch the inaugural Boston Lykeion Ellinidon … Continued

Interview with BLE member and dance enthusiast Tom Pantages

In late October, the Boston Lykeion Ellinidon received a generous donation from long-time supporter Tom Pantages – a collection of clippings, articles, and notes from years spent researching and participating in folk dance. We spoke with Tom recently to learn more about his Greek roots, how he feels about “KZ bands,” and more. Tell me … Continued

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